The LED module provides an interface to control WS2812 and similar LEDs using custom Animations.

Don’t forget to install the requirements

You will only need to install requirements for the output method you are using.

Supported Outputs


Array IDs are used as the nodes in this module, giving paths like {array-id}/{property-id}.




The number of pixels in the array will be published here with retained = True when the array is started.


The number of LED chips per pixel will be published here with retained = True when the array is started.


The name of the currently running animation will be published here. An empty message will be published if no animation is running.


See Triggering for details on running animations.


Optional settings are commented out with default values shown.


  #anim dir: []
  #anim startup: 'test.array'

    output: ''
    #name: '{array_id}'
    #leds per pixel: 1
    #brightness: 255
    #color order: '{default}'
    #anim fps: 60

Module Settings



anim dir

A directory or list of directories to look for custom animations in. These will be searched for animations as well as the default directory /etc/mqttany/led-anim/.


anim startup

The name of an animation to play when MQTTany loads. By default it will play the array test animation, for production you will probably want to change this to off.

Optional, default test.array.

Array Definition

Array configuration section names must be unique throughout the config file as they are used as node IDs. Node IDs can only contain lowercase letters a-z, numbers 0-9, and hyphens -. The following settings are for array definitions:




Output method to send LED data with, see Supported Outputs for available options.


Friendly name for the array.

{array_id} will be replaced with the array definition section name.

Optional, default {array_id}.


Number of pixels in the array.

leds per pixel

How many LED chips make up each ‘pixel’. This allows you to have an array with multiple LEDs being treated as a single pixel, Ex. a bulb with several LEDs that you want to address as a single pixel.

An example: You have 10 bulbs with 3 LEDs each, set count: 10 and leds per pixel: 3. Animations will see an array of 10 LEDs, but MQTTany will send out 30 LEDs worth of data.

Optional, default 1.


Initial brightness for the array, can be in the range 0-255.

Optional, default 255.

color order

The order in which color information should be sent to the LEDs. If you aren’t sure what your color order is and the default is incorrect, see the test.order animation for how to determine the correct order for your LEDs.

Optional, default {default}.

anim fps

Frame rate used by the built-in animations. You may need to reduce this value if you see log entries indicating frames were skipped.

This is made available to animations as the global variable FRAME_MIN which is length of each frame in fractional seconds (Ex. 60fps means FRAME_MIN = 0.01667).

Optional, default 60.