
Because of the real-time nature of controlling WS281x and similar LEDs, this module does not provide direct control of them. Instead it controls them with special Python functions called animations that are triggered by sending commands to MQTTany. There are a handful of built-in animations, and you can write any number of custom animations for your application.


Animations can be triggered by sending a command to the array on the path {array-id}/animation/set. The command must be a JSON string containing some parameters that can modify the behavoir of the animation. The animation name will be published to {array-id}/animation when it is started, when an animation ends a blank message is published.


Commands must be JSON strings with the following elements:

    "anim": "ANIMATION_NAME",   # required
    "priority": 1,              # optional
    "repeat": 1,                # optional
    "arg": "value"              # any additional arguments for animation




The name of the animation (Ex. "test.array") to trigger.


The priority with which to process the animation.

2 run immediately, cancelling running animation and skipping all queued animations.

1 add to queue and cancel only infinite-loop (repeat: 0) animations.

0 add to queue and wait until all animations ahead of this one have finished. Note that priority. 0 animations sent to an array following an animation with repeat: 0 will never be run.

Optional, default 1.


How many times to repeat the animation, can be any positive integer, 0 means repeat infinitely until cancelled.

Optional, default 1.


Any other values will be passed to the animation function as keyword arguments when called.