
This device class supports the MCP23008 and MCP23017 I/O expander chips.


All pins configured in this module are available as properties of the device node. The value of a pin is available on the path {device id}/{pin id} and, for pins that accept them, commands can be sent to {device id}/{pin id}/set. Values for pin states are ON or OFF.




Sending any message (even blank) here will poll all configured pins and publish their states to their respective topics.


If you need more precise timing, this allows you to specify a time and, optionally, a state to toggle a pin for. If another command is sent while a pin is being pulsed, the pulse will be cancelled. The message should be a JSON string with the following elements:

pin the id of the pin to pulse.

time time in milliseconds to set the pin’s state for.

state to set the pin to, if omitted the pin will be toggled.


Pin state will be published here as ON or OFF.


Send ON or OFF here to set the state of a pin that is configured as an output


See pulse above, pin element is not required in the JSON here.


The following additional options are added to the configuration. Optional settings are commented out with default values shown.


    device: ''

        #name: '{pin_id}'
        #direction: 'input'
        #resistor: 'off'
        #invert: false
        #initial state: false
        #first index: 0

        pin: [  ]
        #name: '{pin_id}'
        #name: [  ]    # can also provide a matching list of names
        #direction: 'input'
        #resistor: 'off'
        #invert: false
        #initial state: false
        #first index: 0

Module Settings




Available options are MCP23008 and MCP23017.

Single Pin Definition

Pin configuration section names must be unique as they are used as property IDs. Property IDs can only contain lowercase letters a-z, numbers 0-9, and hyphens -. The following settings are for single pin definitions:




MCP230xx pin number.


Friendly name for the pin.


{pin} will be replaced with the pin number.

{pin:02d} same as above, but will left pad the pin number with 0’s.

{pin_id} will be replaced with the pin definition section name.

Optional, default {pin_id}.


Pin direction, can be input or output.

Optional, default input.


Pin pull resistor for inputs, can be pullup or off.

Optional, default off.


Logic invert flag, can be true or false. Setting to true means that logic LOW = ON.

Optional, default false.

initial state

Initial state to set the pin to, must be one of ON or OFF.

Optional, default OFF.

Multiple Pin Definition

It is also possible to define settings for several pins at the same time. Settings from single pin definitions apply here also, except those shown below.


Instead of a single pin number you can specify a list of pins.


For multiple pin definitions, name can be a single name or a list of names the same length as the list of pins.

An additional substitution {index} is available when a list of pin numbers is given. It corresponds to the pin’s index in the list plus first index.

If a single name is given and the substitution {index} is not present, the name will have the index appended to the end like {name} {index}.

Optional, default {pin_id}.

first index

Will be added to pin number’s index in the list of pins when subsituting {index} in topics. Ex. to start numbering at 1, set this to 1.

Optional, default 0.